FAFSA 2024 Updates

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, 今年,所有新生和返校学生将比往年晚些时候获得助学金. FAFSA 2024 FAQs

洛约拉已经延长了入学存款的截止日期为即将到来的一年级学生到2024年6月1日. Read the full message

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Refund Policies

大学的退款政策刊登在大学的每一份公告中 undergraduate bulletin, the graduate bulletin, and the law bulletin.

The university’s general policy on refunds is described below. 联邦法规要求对联邦第四章财政援助的接受者进行另一种计算. 有关联邦援助的替代计算方法的更多信息可从 Scholarships and Financial Aid office. 请注意,这种替代计算可能会影响您所欠或大学欠您的金额.

Tuition Refund Policy

全日制学生退学或非全日制学生放弃一门课程可能有权获得全部或一定比例的学费退款. Refunds are available through direct deposit or through a check. 退学的学生必须将填好的退学表交回学生档案办公室. Mere cessation of attendance does not constitute withdrawal.  学生档案办公室收到退学通知的日期将决定退还学费的金额. 退款是学生退学学期应缴学费的一定百分比, not a percentage of the total amount billed. Only tuition is refundable.  Fees are not refundable.  如果学生因学业原因被停学或开除,学费不予退还, disciplinary, or financial reasons, 或者当一个全日制学生在截止日期后减少他们的课程负担为兼职,并获得100%的退款.

Fall/Spring Semester


  1. 如果在学期开始后10个工作日内收到正式通知*, a refund of 100 percent of tuition is made.
  2. 如果在学期开始后的25个工作日内收到正式通知*, a refund of 50 percent of tuition is made.
  3. No refunds are allowed after the fifth week of classes.




  1. 如在会议开始后5个工作天内收到正式通知*, a refund of 100 percent of tuition is made.
  2. 如果在会议开始后15个工作日内收到正式通知*, a refund of 50 percent of tuition is made.
  3. 会议结束后的第15个工作日不允许退款.

Sessions 7, 8 and 9 weeks in length:

  1. 如在会议开始后5个工作天内收到正式通知*, a refund of 100 percent of tuition is made.
  2. 如在会议开始后10个工作天内收到正式通知*, a refund of 50 percent of tuition is made.
  3. No refunds are allowed after the tenth business day of the session.

Sessions 5 and 6 weeks in length:

  1. 如在会议开始后2个工作天*内收到正式通知, a refund of 100 percent of tuition is made.
  2. 如在会议开始后5个工作天内收到正式通知*, a refund of 50 percent of tuition is made.
  3. 在会议的第五个工作日之后,恕不退款.

Sessions less than 5 weeks in length:

  1. If formal notice is received on the first day of the session*, a refund of 100 percent of tuition is made.
  2. 如在会议的第二个营业日收到正式通知*, a refund of 50 percent of tuition is made.
  3. 在会议的第二个工作日之后,不允许退款.

* PLEASE NOTE:  In determining refunds, days are counted using the first day of the session, not when a particular class meets.  工作日的计算包括假日,但不包括星期六和星期日.  For example, 从周一开始的8周课程将在第一个周五午夜之前获得100%退款,在第二个周五午夜之前获得50%退款.

Room and Meal Plan Refunds

退学的学生可以获得全部或一定比例的食宿费退款. 希望取消住房并保持大学学生身份的学生以及有资格搬出校园的学生可能有权退还部分住宿费和食宿费. 希望取消住宿的学生必须以书面形式向住宿生活办公室提出.

退款金额将以学生档案办公室收到退费通知之日为准, 或者学生指定宿舍的正式退房日期, whichever is later. No refunds of room or board will be made when a student is evicted, suspended, or dismissed for academic, disciplinary, or financial reasons. Residence council fees are non-refundable.

  • 如果在学期开始后两周内收到正式退学通知和宿舍退房, a refund of 60 percent of room and board, less actual Meals, Iggy Deaux, and Wolf Bucks used, is made.

  • 如果在学期开始后的五周内收到正式的退学通知和宿舍退房, a refund of 50 percent of room and board, less actual Meals, Iggy Deaux and Wolf Bucks used, is made.

  • No refunds are allowed after the fifth week of classes.

Room & Board Refund - Summer

During summer sessions, room and board charges will be prorated to actual usage, 当一个学生正式退课时,可以算到下一个完整的星期. 但是,超过50%的课程将不退还食宿费用. 为夏季课程购买的未使用的Wolf Bucks将不予退还,除非正式退出大学, 但对于继续在洛约拉就读的学生来说,这笔钱会被转到下一学年.

We believe it’s important to offer an easy, 以经济实惠的方式保护您的家庭在高等教育方面的投资. 这就是为什么MG游戏官方网站与GradGuard协商,为我们的家庭提供由安联全球援助提供的学费保险,该保险具有特殊的计划和费率,不向普通公众开放.

这一覆盖范围扩大了我们的退款政策的范围,确保了学费的报销, room and board, and other fees for covered withdrawals at any time during the semester. 计划还包括学生生活援助:一条24小时紧急热线,让学生和家长更加安心.

At Loyola University New Orleans, we want the best for our students, 安联全球援助是专业保险和援助领域的全球领导者,帮助超过3500万人支付学费, travel plans, and more each year.

Learn More About Tuition Protection